This is a server all about survival in a fun and new environment no hub ne confusion just play. This is a java server so sorry bedrock players you can not join so don't try. This server can cause lag so make sure that you have a nice pc, the data packs are required along with their respective resource packs but there is a good reason trust me.
No cheating.
No spawn camping.
No AFK farming.
No attacking or destruction without reason.
No hacked clients.
If you have violated any of these rules you can fill out a bail form under the court page to try and get unbanned.
If a player has been banned 3 times they will be permanently banned.
You can fill out a ban report on the bans page.
PvP is allowed.
And base destruction with reason.
If a shop is made it can not be stollen from no mater what.
Pets may not be killed no mater what (it is consider a pet if it has a name tag).
Have fun.
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